
Project Piper - Continuous Delivery for the SAP Ecosystem

Continuous Delivery is a method for developing software with short feedback cycles. For this purpose, SAP provides tools for continuous delivery in the project "Piper"


SAP teams + openSource


Development, Continuous Delivery


August 12, 2020


The library was missing important functionalities and tests could only be executed slowly.


Customization of the test environment so that the execution is 10x faster and new functionalities are delivered quickly.


Continuous Delivery is a method for developing software with short feedback cycles. For this purpose, SAP provides tools for continuous delivery in the project “Piper”. The library runs on various SAP cloud and on-premise systems. The goal of the project “Piper” is to make it much easier to set up Continuous Delivery in internal as well as external projects with SAP technologies.

During several of my practical phases at SAP, I worked on the development of the formerly internally-used Jenkins library Piper. It makes setting up a deployment pipeline easy and enables teams to deliver well-tested software to users quickly. Using a tool I developed, development teams could link fulfilled requirements directly in their code to the project management system Jira. This made requirements management much easier. Furthermore, in a practical phase I wrote new functions for the Jenkins library and shortened the test execution of the library from 25 minutes to 3 minutes.

In my bachelor thesis I dealt with Continuous Delivery at SAP. Through my contact with several teams working with the library, I shed light on how widely teams at SAP were able to implement the methodology. I documented this through interviews and questionnaires and was able to provide clarity on the state of Continuous Delivery at SAP for all stakeholders.

More details can be found here: